Saturday 27 January 2018

News Articles on Ethereum

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News Articles on Ethereum

Title: Blockchain is our best bet against future hacks

2017 was a disastrous year for online security. From the Yahoo breach to the Equifax fiasco, billions of users have had their personal info compromised. Given these huge breaches, we should probably stop using all our online services and platforms — but let’s…

Title: Earnings Outlook: AMD earnings: Mining for crypto gold, more Spectre details

When Advanced Micro Devices Inc. reports earnings, investors will look at the results for clues about how cryptocurrency mining is figuring into sales and the forecast for indications about the effects of chip-design flaws.

Title: An early Coinbase and Twitter investor just gave Uphold $57.5 million to add Ripple and insure against hacks

Greg Kidd, an early investor in Coinbase and Twitter, just invested $57.7 million toward Uphold, a currency exchange that also trades in cryptocurrencies. Uphold will use part of the money as insurance for its users to guarantee that their deposits to the exc…

Title: Pubblicità e adblock: una criptovaluta per portare la pace?

Sempre più persone decidono di bloccare la pubblicità online, e questo ha portato a nuovi tipi di annunci ancora meno graditi. Il progetto BAT, Basic Attention Token, spera di detronizzare l'oligopolio del settore e cambiare questo mercato.

Title: Bitcoin-Hype in Davos: Der Aufmarsch der Geldrevoluzzer

Bitcoin-Enthusiasten versuchen den Davoser Gipfel mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen aufzumischen. Bei den etablierten Teilnehmern stoßen sie damit auf wenig Gegenliebe. Für diese sind Cyberwährungen nichts als eine Blase.

Title: Cryptocurrency Mania: What's Next For Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple And Others?

Why is Bitcoin so volatile? How do cryptocurrencies work? What are some of the benefits of cryptocurrencies?

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