Wednesday 21 February 2018

News Articles on Ethereum

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News Articles on Ethereum

Title: Venezuela says launch of 'petro' cryptocurrency raised $735 million

CARACAS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday that Venezuela had received $735 million in the first day of a pre-sale of the country's “petro” cryptocurrency, aimed at pulling the country out of an economic tailspin.

Title: Venezuela Claims $735 Million Raised in First Cryptocurrency Sale

Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro claimed Tuesday that a presale for the country's national cryptocurrency netted $735 million on its first day.

Title: Fenomena Mata Uang "Samar" yang Selalu Gaduh

Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang teknologi Blockchain dan mata uang digital seperti Bitcoin, Ethereum dkk atau yang sering disebut sebagai cryptocurrency?

Title: Bitcoin Price Rises After South Korea Announces Support For Cryptocurrency Transactions

The price of bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies made further gains Tuesday, the rally driven in part by an announcement from South Korea that said the country would support “normal transactions” of virtual currencies. Bitcoin, the most well-known cryp…

Title: Balance

A cryptocurrency wallet for Ethereum-based tokens

Title: Ex-JPMorgan trader turned bitcoin fund manager says ICOs are 'better' than IPOs — but only 5% are worth investing in

Danny Masters ran JPMorgan's commodities trading desk in New York in the 1990s. He left to set up his own commodities fund in 2000 but pivoted it to crypto in 2014. Masters told BI that "initial coin offerings" provider" a richness that you'll never get in a …

Title: Bitcoin hits three week high after its year’s low in early February

Other digital currencies, however, showed mixed results, diverging from bitcoin for now. Ethereum, the second-largest by market value, was down 1.3 percent. The post Bitcoin hits three week high after its year’s low in early February appeared first on Firstpo…

Title: Expert Explains What May Happen to Bitcoin in Near Future

Sputnik spoke to Mark O'Byrne, Executive and Research Director of, an international precious metal bullion brokerage services platform, to find out the future of cryptocurrencies market and Bitcoin in particular.

Title: Seis cosas que debe saber del Petro, la criptomoneda de Venezuela -
Date2018-02-21T00:16:05Z Seis cosas que debe saber del Petro, la criptomoneda de Venezuela Este martes el gobierno venezolano anunció la preventa de su nueva moneda virtual, que a diferencia del Bitcoin está soportada en las reservas petroleras de es…

Title: ¿Qué es y cómo operará el Petro, la criptomoneda venezolana? - RPP

RPP ¿Qué es y cómo operará el Petro, la criptomoneda venezolana? RPP El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro anunció el nacimiento oficial de la moneda virtual, en medio del escepticismo de especialistas. Redacción. 20 de febrero del 2018 - 8:51 PM. Valoración: 5/5. Ni…

Title: Teil 1: Von Bitcoin bis Cardano: Das sind die wichtigsten Kryptowährungen

Über 1500 verschiedene Cybercoins werden inzwischen gehandelt. Viele sind noch größere Kursraketen als Bitcoin. Diese zehn Cyberwährungen haben großes Potential. Die Wetten laufen schon.

Title: Venezuela: Launch of 'Petro' Cryptocurrency Raised $735 Million

President Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday that Venezuela had received $735 million in the first day of a pre-sale of the country's "petro" cryptocurrency, aimed at pulling the country out of an economic tailspin. Maduro is hoping the petro will allow the ailing O…

Title: Tesla hackers mine cryptocurrency, access private data

It seems that cryptocurrency jacking is the new thing, with Tesla Motors now hit not just once but twice - the first of which with cryptojacking, and then an exposure to data theft. The electric car maker was hit by hackers recently, something security resear…

Title: Cryptocurrencies NEO And Stellar Added To eToro Platform – Newsbtc

Global trading and investment platform eToro has announced that NEO and Stellar (XLM) are the latest cryptocurrencies to be added to the site. As of Monday, 19th February, 2018, eToro’s nine million users will be able to trade an impressive total of nine cryp…

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