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News Articles on BitCoin
Title: Bill Gates Thinks Cryptocurrency Is Killing People 'In a Fairly Direct Way'
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, whose recent takes have included that Apple should just build a backdoor into the iPhone because the government might demand it anyway, is now warning that cryptocurrency is killing people. Read more...
Title: Bitcoin's self-proclaimed creator accused of using obscure font to steal billions
If you're going to defraud someone out of several hundred thousand bitcoin, maybe don't also draw undue attention to yourself by publicly claiming to have created the cryptocurrency. Oh, and you probably shouldn't make a shitty computer font the linchpin of y…
Title: 10 things in tech you need to know today (AMZN)
Good morning! Here is the tech news you need to know this Wednesday. 1. Amazon will spend a reported $1 billion (£719 million) to acquire doorbell startup Ring. Ring offers a video-enabled doorbell that beams footage of whoever's outside to the homeowner's ph…
Title: Coinbase is a Hot Mess
The r/Coinbase subreddit has been flooded with customers complaining about Coinbase: Taking money out of their bank accounts via debit (see comments here). Adding insult to injury, users are furio…
Title: Bill Gates cree que las criptomonedas están matando gente "de forma bastante directa"
El cofundador de Microsoft, Bill Gates, no parece ser un gran entusiasta de las criptomonedas. En un Ask Me Anything de Reddit desarrollado ayer, el que es una de las personas más ricas del planeta cargó duramente contra estas divisas digitales relacionándola…
Title: Steve Wozniak had $70,000 in bitcoin stolen after falling for a simple, yet perfect, scam
Will you be smarter than the Apple co-founder?
Title: Bill Gates Thinks Cryptocurrency Is Killing People
After Coinbase announced it would comply with tax requests, the bad news for cryptocurrency users has continued. The latest indictment comes from Bill Gates, who warned against the rise of cryptocurrency in a recent Reddit ask me anything. In his response to …
Title: Richard Sherman Missed Becoming Bitcoin Gazillionaire By Thiiis Much
Richard Sherman is a visionary... he was accepting Bitcoin on his website back in 2012 and 2013 -- but there's just one problem... HE CONVERTED IT ALL TO CASH BEFORE IT EXPLODED!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's…
Title: Startup Codex Brings Blockchain to Art With Backing From Pantera
Verifying authenticity or provenance is one of the art industry's biggest challenges. Blockchain can help.
Title: Kryptowährungen im Vergleich - Bitcoin-Konkurrenten: Wer hat das Zeug zur Währung der Zukunft?
Die Zweifel an der Zukunft der bekanntesten Kryptowährung Bitcoin wachsen. Gleichzeitig entstehen immer mehr Alternativen - weit mehr als 1000 sind es inzwischen.
Title: Satoshi Nakamoto: 10 Milliarden Schadenersatz: Angeblicher Bitcoin-Erfinder verklagt
Wer hinter der Erfindung des Bitcoins steckt, ist bis heute nicht klar. Ein Bitcoin-Pionier, der behauptet Nakamoto zu sein, wird nun auf Schadenersatz verklagt.
Title: Während du schliefst: Mobilfunknetz auf dem Mond kommt 2019
Vodafone Deutschland, Nokia und Audi sind mit dabei. Außerdem: Amazon kauft Ring, Klage gegen angeblichen Bitcoin-Erfinder und Rakutens neue Kryptowährung.
Title: What Is The Difference Between Bitcoin And Ripple?
Why is Ripple coming to be seen as the establishment’s cryptocurrency of choice? And why is it not really a cryptocurrency at all? Here’s an overview of what makes it very different to Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies currently in circulation.
Title: Bill Gates warns cryptocurrency 'causing deaths' as Microsoft cofounder blasts its anonymity
Bill Gates, the cofounder of Microsoft, has criticised the anonymity of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, saying the use of digital cash has led to deaths.
Title: Nic Grundy’s death was a godsend for The Archers
I have always loved listening to the radio – or at least, I thought I was listening to the radio.
Title: What is Circle X? Crypto Exchange Will Be More Than Coinbase Challenger
Circle's big plans for crypto exchange Poloniex after acquisition include bringing cryptocurrencies and tokens of all kinds under one roof.
Title: Cryptocurrency-Mining Malware: 2018’s New Menace?
Will cryptocurrency-mining malware be the new ransomware? The popularity and increasing real-world significance of cryptocurrencies are also drawing cybercriminal attention — so much so that it appears to keep pace with ransomware’s infamy in the threat lands…
Title: Money laundering linked to drug trade a ‘structural’ issue: SFU criminologist
Complexity of private lending networks and similar white-collar crimes make them notoriously hard to prosecute, says Neil Boyd
Title: Bitcoin & Co - Wozniak bestohlen, Gates kritisiert kriminelle Nutzung
Apple-Mitgründer Steve Wozniak wurden einige Bitcoins gestohlen, mit denen er experimentieren wollte. Bill Gates macht Krypto-Währungen für Todesfälle verantwortlich.
Title: A Craig Wright, inventore o meno di Bitcoin, viene richiesto un risarcimento fino a 10 miliardi
Craig Wright (nella foto), colui che nel 2016 si era autoproclamato l'inventore della crittovaluta Bitcoin ( Creatore di BitCoin ha un nome: è Craig Wright ) e della blockchain sulla quale Bitcoin basa il suo funzionamento ( Blockchain: cos'è, come funziona e…
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