Saturday 27 January 2018

News Articles on BitCoin

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News Articles on BitCoin

Title: Japanese exchange says hackers stole over $400M in cryptocurrency

A Japanese cryptocurrency exchange has claimed it lost more than $400 million in tokens following an alleged hack on its service. Coincheck said Friday that some 500 million tokens of NEM, worth around $400 million at the time of writing, according to comment…

Title: CryptoWatch: The cryptocurrency market just suffered a theft worse than Mt. Gox

Bitcoin prices and the value of other cryptocurrencies dropped on Friday as Tokyo-based Coincheck Inc., revealed that some $530 million in digital assets had been stolen, eliciting shades of the Mt. Gox hack back in 2014.

Title: Sources: VCs with long Bitcoin experience like a16z, USV, are passing on Telegram's ICO; VCs newer to cryptocurrencies like KPCB, Sequoia, Benchmark, investing (Theodore Schleifer/Recode)

Theodore Schleifer / Recode : Sources: VCs with long Bitcoin experience like a16z, USV, are passing on Telegram's ICO; VCs newer to cryptocurrencies like KPCB, Sequoia, Benchmark, investing — The investors are not who you'd expect. — Some of the most prominen…

Title: Tokyo-based cryptocurrency exchange hacked, losing $530 million

The exchange has already reported the incident to the police and to Japan's Financial Services Agency, NHK said.

Title: An early Coinbase and Twitter investor just gave Uphold $57.5 million to add Ripple and insure against hacks

Greg Kidd, an early investor in Coinbase and Twitter, just invested $57.7 million toward Uphold, a currency exchange that also trades in cryptocurrencies. Uphold will use part of the money as insurance for its users to guarantee that their deposits to the exc…

Title: HODL: comment une faute de frappe est devenue l'étendard des investisseurs en Bitcoin

BITCOIN - Nous sommes le 18 décembre 2013, et le Bitcoin connaît un crash. Comme à chaque baisse de sa valeur, deux choix s'offrent aux investisseurs : revendre, ou attendre que la tempête passe et espérer une hausse. Sur un forum spécialisé, un internaute ou…

Title: Bitcoin-Hype in Davos: Der Aufmarsch der Geldrevoluzzer

Bitcoin-Enthusiasten versuchen den Davoser Gipfel mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen aufzumischen. Bei den etablierten Teilnehmern stoßen sie damit auf wenig Gegenliebe. Für diese sind Cyberwährungen nichts als eine Blase.

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