Friday, 26 January 2018

News Articles on BitCoin

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News Articles on BitCoin

Title: How to Buy Bitcoin With a Credit Card—and Why You Probably Shouldn't

The price of Bitcoin is the lowest it’s been in weeks, and you may want to get in in on the action before its value shoots back up again (assuming it ever does). There’s nothing wrong with investing some money in cryptocurrency—as long as it’s money you can a…

Title: Report: More startup lawyers are accepting cryptocurrencies as payment

A growing number of law firms working with startups are beginning to accept their payment in cryptocurrencies, according to a new report by the trade-focused outlet Some of the attorneys surveyed in the story say they’re perfectly happy with the deve…

Title: $400 Million Goes Missing From Japanese Crypto Exchange Coincheck

Through means currently unknown, approximately 500 million NEM tokens were exfiltrated from leading Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck, valued at approximately $400 million. Bloomberg reports that, aside from Bitcoin, all trading on the platform has b…

Title: Young student thoughtfully added 'Bitcoin' to a graph worksheet

I still don't know what the heck Bitcoin is, but apparently now kids do. Neil Woodfine 's friend's girlfriend is a teacher, and found a chart that a student had "enhanced" and then left on the floor. And it looks like good news for cryptocurrency investors. S…

Title: Man orders Bitcoin miner on Amazon, gets sent 'The Boss Baby' on DVD

Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work. We've all been there: you set out to order yourself a nice Bitcoin miner online, and you end…

Title: Frightening Pepe/Homer Simpson trading card sells for a ridiculous amount

As if we needed more proof that monetary value is arbitrary and capitalism is based on a lie we all choose to believe, a digital Pepe the Frog trading card was just sold at an IRL auction for some serious cash. The one-of-a-kind Homer Pepe sold to the auction…

Title: 4 Things You Need to Do Before Retiring Other Than Save Money

Of course you need to consult your finances before calling it quits. But, that shouldn't be the only thing you do.

Title: If you bought something on Silk Road with bitcoin, the blockchain will remember it forever and possibly reveal your identity

A common misconception is that bitcoin transactions are anonymous. The truth is, unless you are very careful about covering your tracks, your bitcoin transactions can be connected to you. And the transaction records on bitcoin's public database (the blockchai…

Title: Your early darknet drug buys are preserved forever in the blockchain, waiting to be connected to your real identity

Blockchain transactions are recorded forever and indelibly, and that means that all the Bitcoin transactions on early Tor hidden service marketplaces like Silk Road are on permanent, public display; because many people who made these transactions later went o…

Title: Robinhood lanzará intercambios de criptomonedas sin comisiones

La aplicación móvil de inversiones busca plantar cara a Coinbase ofreciendo la compra-venta de Bitcoin y Ethereum sin comisiones por las transacciones. Para la aplicación de intercambios sin comisión Robinhood, que se considera a sí misma como democratizadora…

Title: CoinCheck confirma el robo de más de 500 millones de dólares de la criptomoneda NEM

Una de las mayores casas de cambio de Japón ha confirmado que ha sufrido el robo de 535 millones de dólares en el token New Economic Movement (NEM). CoinCheck, la segunda casa de cambio más grande de Japón, ha sufrido el peor robo en la historia de las cripto…

Title: CoinCheck confirma el robo de más de 500 mmd en la criptomoneda NEM

Una de las mayores casas de cambio en Japón ha confirmado que ha sufrido el robo de 535 millones de dólares en el token New Economic Movement (NEM). CoinCheck, una de las mayores casas de bolsas en Japón, ha sufrido el peor robo en la historia de las criptomo…

Title: Starting a Company? Here's Why You Should Think Twice About Accepting Cryptocurrency

It's a crazy idea. Or is it?

Title: Why the Bitcoin Gold Rush Is Moving to Montana

With cheap electricity and vacant warehouses, former lumber mills and manufacturing plants in Washington, Oregon, and Montana are being transformed into server farms to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Title: Inc. Uncensored, Episode 153: Women's March, Pizza and Bitcoin

This week on Inc. Uncensored, writers and editors explore how businesses across the country responded to the second annual feminist protest.

Title: Slate’s Mistakes

Due to a photo provider error, the caption on a Jan. 25 Brow Beat misidentified the photo as a still from the film a Thousand Thoughts. It is a photo from the performance.

Title: The best bitcoin alternatives

With more than 1,300 cryptocurrencies available today, knowing which ones to invest in isn't easy. If you would rather skip bitcoin though, this guide will help explain the best bitcoin alternatives out there.

Title: Ransomware as a Service

SANS Internet Storm Center - A global cooperative cyber threat / internet security monitor and alert system. Featuring daily handler diaries with summarizing and analyzing new threats to networks and internet security events.

Title: US-Investor George Soros zweifelt Bitcoin als Währung an

Ist Bitcoin eine Währung oder nicht? Für den milliardenschweren Investor George Soros steht fest: Nein, und er schiebt hinterher, dass der Hype um den Bitcoin eine große Blase sei.

Title: Kommentar: Der Wirtschaft fehlt nicht das Geld, sondern die Ideen

Nach der großen Steuerreform in den USA fordert auch die hiesige Wirtschaft Steuersenkungen. Dabei ist genug Geld verfügbar – die Besitzer wissen nur nicht, wie sie es investieren sollen.

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