Saturday 27 January 2018

News Articles on BitCoin

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News Articles on BitCoin

Title: Japanese exchange says hackers stole over $400M in cryptocurrency

A Japanese cryptocurrency exchange has claimed it lost more than $400 million in tokens following an alleged hack on its service. Coincheck said Friday that some 500 million tokens of NEM, worth around $400 million at the time of writing, according to comment…

Title: Blockchain is our best bet against future hacks

2017 was a disastrous year for online security. From the Yahoo breach to the Equifax fiasco, billions of users have had their personal info compromised. Given these huge breaches, we should probably stop using all our online services and platforms — but let’s…

Title: CryptoWatch: The cryptocurrency market just suffered a theft worse than Mt. Gox

Bitcoin prices and the value of other cryptocurrencies dropped on Friday as Tokyo-based Coincheck Inc., revealed that some $530 million in digital assets had been stolen, eliciting shades of the Mt. Gox hack back in 2014.

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